
Leila de Lima Criticizes Rodrigo Duterte, Reigniting Political Tension

Former Senator Leila de Lima’s recent criticism of former President Rodrigo Duterte has reignited the longstanding political tension between the two prominent figures in Philippine politics. In her latest statements, De Lima labeled Duterte as “remorseless,” a sharp rebuke that reflects the deep and ongoing animosity between them. This article delves into the background of their contentious relationship, the context of De Lima’s remarks, and the broader implications for Philippine politics.

Background of the De Lima-Duterte Feud

The enmity between Leila de Lima and Rodrigo Duterte dates back to their respective tenures in government, with their clashes intensifying during Duterte’s presidency. As a former Secretary of Justice and a senator, De Lima was a vocal critic of Duterte’s controversial war on drugs, which began in 2016. She condemned the extrajudicial killings and human rights abuses associated with the anti-drug campaign, calling for accountability and justice for the victims.

In 2017, De Lima was arrested and detained on charges of drug trafficking, accusations she has consistently denied and described as politically motivated. She claimed that her detention was Duterte’s retaliation for her criticism of his administration. International human rights organizations, including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, have echoed her allegations, asserting that the charges were an attempt to silence a key opposition voice.

Recent Criticism by De Lima

In her latest public statements, De Lima did not hold back in her criticism of Duterte, calling him “remorseless” and accusing him of a range of wrongdoings during his time in office. De Lima’s comments come as part of her continued efforts to highlight what she perceives as the abuses and failures of Duterte’s administration.

Key Points of Criticism

  1. Human Rights Violations: De Lima reiterated her condemnation of Duterte’s war on drugs, emphasizing the lack of accountability for the thousands of deaths that occurred under his watch. She accused Duterte of showing no remorse for the lives lost and the families affected by the brutal campaign.
  2. Political Persecution: De Lima highlighted her own experience of incarceration, framing it as part of Duterte’s broader strategy to persecute political opponents and critics. She argued that her detention was emblematic of the administration’s disregard for the rule of law and democratic principles.
  3. Corruption Allegations: De Lima also accused Duterte and his allies of engaging in corrupt practices, pointing to various scandals that emerged during his presidency. She criticized Duterte for failing to address corruption effectively and for allegedly protecting his associates from prosecution.

Broader Political Implications

De Lima’s criticism of Duterte is not just a personal vendetta; it has significant implications for the political landscape in the Philippines. Her statements reflect the deep divisions within the country’s political system and underscore the challenges faced by those who oppose the prevailing power structures.

The State of Opposition Politics

The opposition in the Philippines has been in a state of flux, particularly after Duterte’s strong electoral mandate and his party’s dominance in the political arena. De Lima’s persistent criticism serves as a rallying cry for opposition forces, highlighting the need for a unified front to challenge the current administration and advocate for democratic reforms.

Public Perception and Support

Public opinion in the Philippines is polarized. While Duterte enjoys a substantial support base, particularly among those who view his tough stance on crime and drugs favorably, there is also a significant segment of the population that is critical of his methods and policies. De Lima’s vocal opposition resonates with this latter group, who see her as a symbol of resistance against authoritarianism and abuse of power.

Legal and Human Rights Considerations

De Lima’s case has drawn international attention to the state of human rights and the rule of law in the Philippines. Her criticism of Duterte is part of a broader discourse on the need for judicial independence and the protection of human rights defenders. The outcome of her legal battles and her ability to speak out from detention continue to be closely watched by both domestic and international observers.

Duterte’s Response and Political Maneuvering

Former President Duterte has not shied away from responding to his critics, often using strong language and personal attacks. His administration consistently defended the war on drugs as a necessary measure to combat widespread narcotics problems and portrayed critics like De Lima as out of touch with the realities of crime and security in the Philippines.

In the face of De Lima’s latest remarks, Duterte and his supporters are likely to continue their counter-narratives, framing her criticisms as politically motivated and aimed at undermining the gains of his administration. This ongoing battle of narratives plays out in the media and public discourse, shaping the political climate leading up to future elections.


The latest round of criticism from Leila de Lima against Rodrigo Duterte underscores the enduring and bitter feud between the two. Her accusations of remorselessness and wrongdoing add to the complex tapestry of Philippine politics, reflecting broader issues of human rights, political persecution, and corruption. As both figures remain influential in their own right, their clash continues to have significant implications for the country’s political landscape.

De Lima’s persistence in speaking out, even from detention, highlights the challenges faced by opposition figures in the Philippines. Her voice serves as a reminder of the importance of accountability and the rule of law in a democratic society. Meanwhile, Duterte’s legacy and the responses to it will likely remain a contentious topic, influencing political debates and public opinion for years to come.


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